[6]A son honors his father, and a servant his master. If then I am a Father, where is My honor? And if I am a Master, where is the [reverent] fear due Me? says the Lord of hosts to you, O priests, who despise My name. You say, How and in what way have we despised Your name?
[7]By offering polluted food upon My altar. And you ask, How have we polluted it and profaned You? By thinking that the table of the Lord is contemptible and may be despised.
We often say that a beggar has no choice.
This is true and that is probably why many treat God like a beggar.
They do not realize that the one who created this massive estate "the earth" expects to be honored.
God will never accept whatever cost you nothing.
He is a God of value.
How have you been serving Him?
It is common thing for people to come to church and meet the ushers during the offering time requesting for change.
Would you try it in the shrine of Amadioha or sango?
You know what will happen to you.
But you do it regularly in church.
Are you really a responsible child in your father's house?
God bless you.
With the God I serve, nothing shall be impossible.
Your case is not bigger than God.
May you have a God filled day in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Your Victory is already guaranteed
It is well, do not give up, with God all things are possible
(Please be a blessing to seven persons by sending to them our devotionals)
For further reading, 1 chronicles 4,5,6.
Pastor Obi Ejikeme
Senior Pastor
House of faith, Nigeria